Hold on to Your Kids

Canadian psychologist Gordon Neufeld has this to say about the mindset of socialization : “The belief is that socializing—children spending time with one another—begets socialization: the capacity for skillful and mature relating to other human beings. There is no evidence to support such an assumption, despite its popularity.” That sounds like the beginning of a well-written answer to the perennial question every homeschooler hears, “what do you do about socialization?” Though the book he authored with physician Gabor Mate, Hold On To Your Kids, does not mention homeschooling, the ideas will feel incredibly validating to many homeschoolers.
6 minutes to read

Why We Homeschool

Love of Learning I want to raise children that say “I love reading” and “I am good at math.” I want my children to believe that learning happens all the time, not just in the hours at a school desk. I never want them to ask, “Will this be on the test?” or “Do we have to learn this?” I want them to experience the flow that comes from full engagement and intrinsic motivation.
3 minutes to read